Benefits of Air Conditioning for Schools

By | March 17, 2011

An air conditioner (AC) is a mechanism designed to dehumidify and extract heat from an area. The cooling by an air conditioner is done with the help of a simple refrigeration cycle. Schools use air Conditioning system to maintain low humidity levels. Schools, colleges and universities can save energy by an energy efficient approach through air conditioned campus. By installing a web-based, real-time, online energy monitoring technology, schools can accurately monitor and track energy levels 24/7, consumed by air conditioners.

Schools that implement a green air condition system will experience reduced energy expenses and encourage better student performance. Green air conditioning systems also facilitate carbon footprint reduction. Space cooling and ventilation consumes up to 8% of a school’s total energy costs and according to the EPA, schools can save up to 30% in energy costs by installing or retrofitting a green air conditioning system in the campus. Use of the green air condition helps in the reduction of emission of green house gases like carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide which causes smog and acid rain.

Air conditioning system combined with proper ventilation system also enhances the indoor air quality. Use of air conditioners in the school reduces absenteeism as it keeps the students and the staff healthier.

Although AC offers a number of benefits for the schools, there are some disadvantages for schools, such as, an air conditioning system like AC equipment is costly and it makes noise which may cause disturbance to the students.