Key Elements You must Have for Your Websites

By | December 20, 2012

Whenever you want to design or develop a website, you need to consider lot of things. The list may be endless, but a careful glance will lead to the conclusion that there are certain elements that are most important. However, there are a few key elements that your website absolutely must have, regardless of the type of your business.

  • The website design should be good and appeal in visual. This is important whether it is E-commerce, web design, or a community forum layout. Information should be up-to-date and design should not be over crowded. A good design can grab the attention of visitors.
  • User interface is the foundation of any good functional website. While designing the site, you need to consider the average user that is, who the prospective audience for your site. Be sure to offer everything they want on your site. Provide links which are easy to navigate from one page to another page.
  • Consider the navigation links which navigate to key areas of your site.
  • Give a link at the foot of the image, if images are there for navigation. This is very important because when images don’t work and users can use the duplicate link provided at the foot of the image.
  • Content should be meaningful, accurate and only related to your website. This should be useful to the visitors. Unnecessary information in the website drives your visitors away. Therefore, provide information about your company, products and services.
  • Include ‘About Us’ page in your site because people often click this page to know who owns the site.
  • You have to provide correct contact information; otherwise users who are interested in your services are unable to reach or contact you. Here you miss the sales opportunities.
  • If your website continuously offers content that is engaging, it becomes easy for users to sign-up/subscribe.
  • Creating site maps for users who visit your site can be an invaluable tool for finding just what they are looking for.
  • Use valid XHTML/CSS to develop your site.
  • When designing web, it is vital to save all your images.

You can also include videos in your site. It allows you to interact with visitors at a more personal level.