Anti-Psychotic Drugs Can Cause Weight Gain And Diabetes In Children

By | February 2, 2010

US researchers found in their research that many children and teenagers who are treated with second generation antipsychotic drugs are gaining on a considerable amount of weight and also experience a increase of cholesterol and triglyceride levels and other metabolic proportions. A new study found that children and teens who take medicines for problems like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and autism gain excessive weight.

This problem of excessive weight gain and other metabolic variations in childhood will make kids to experience chronic health problems as adults. Some of these medicines, known as “atypical antipsychotics,” are also associated to raise blood-fat levels, which can cause diabetes.

The researchers found that antipsychotic medication is related with extremely increased fat mass and waist limits. They also said that nearly 10 per cent to 36 per cent of patients transformed to overweight or obese stage within 11 weeks.

So, they recommended that doctors should carefully know the amount of problems and benefits of prescribing second-generation antipsychotic medications to the children who is mentally ill, and also provide metabolic monitoring in order to overcome the poor physical health outcomes.

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