Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing

By | March 16, 2015

Planning for email marketing? It is an inexpensive way for promoting your business to reach your customers. But, reaching through email marketing is difficult method if not planned properly.

ad servingYou should know what to do and what not before you start your email marketing. This helps you a lot to reach more customers and to attract them to your business. So, would you like to know the do’s and don’ts of email marketing? Then read this article.

Do’s of email marketing

  • The first and foremost thing that you need to do is, personalize all the emails of your customers and messages that you are sending. This is an effective work. Know start with formal message so that people feel good to read your message further. Personalization includes greeting, adding customers name in the subject line, including sign in your email, etc.
  • The message that you are sending to your customers should be short, simple and interactive. Short and interactive messages make you reach more to the customers because, they will have lots of messages to read and they simply ignore the messages that are long and not focused or interactive.
  • Message should also contain a link which redirects them to your website and the landing page of the particular link shouldn’t be broken and it should be direct. So, that they can know about your product or service in short period of time.
  • The subject line of your message should be simple and it should be straight forward so that people will be willing to go through the entire mail. It should also attract customers and for this you need to be creative in writing effective subject line.
  • Include call to action, and it should be relevant to the content. Email marketing is effective if you make your customers to respond to your mail. You should be creative when you are using call to action in your mails.

Don’ts of email marketing

  • Email is a good chance to attract your customers so don’t loose this chance by making grammatical or spelling mistakes in your mail. This will show that you don’t have credibility. So, take care of each and every point in your email before you send it to your customers.
  • Don’t use too many graphics because, this increase the loading time of the mail and customer feels irritated and just closes it. So, just use simple effects wherever necessary.
  • The link that you have included in the email should be working i.e., it should have a correct landing page to your website and it just should not be a page for just making payment or showing offers.
  • The main mistake most of the marketers do is, sending the emails to long list of customers at a time, this shows that the message is unsolicited and makes the customers understand that you are sending this message as a part of your advertisement campaign and they will not be willing to spend time on that.