Types of Fuels Used in Automobiles

By | October 11, 2013

There are different types of fuels used in automobiles and the most commonly used fuels are diesel and gasoline. They are also known as traditional fuels. There are some other alternatives to these fuels, like ethanol, propane, bio-diesel, etc. In this article we discuss the most commonly used fuels in automobiles.

Gasoline: Gasoline is also known as petrol. It is the commonly used fuel by car owners. This type of fuel allows fast acceleration, quick starting, easy combination and quiet operation. It is considered as a temporary source of fuel because of its environmental effects, limited resources and cost. The gasoline contains hydrocarbons and produce carbon dioxide when burned. It contributes to environmental pollution, global warming and smog. Petrol cars that were manufactured after 1986 had to use unleaded fuel.

Propane: Propane is also called as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), GPL, LP Gas, liquid petroleum gas or butane. It is an alternative to petrol or gasoline. Liquid petroleum is used on a limited basis in common vehicles. Some hybrid cars are designed to use propane in United Kingdom. It will produce a few toxins when burned. It cannot contribute smog like petrol and diesel. Liquefied petroleum gas is less expensive than gasoline or petrol.

Diesel: Diesel vehicles have 30% better fuel efficiency than petrol vehicles. Diesel is a widely used fuel in transport vehicles like trucks, buses, trains and boats. It will contribute less carbon dioxide to the environment and cause smog by creating nitrous oxide and organic compound.

Bio-diesel: Bio-diesel comes from natural and renewable sources such as vegetable oils, sugar beet sunflower, etc. Bio-diesel is an environmental friendly fuel. It is not compatible for all the cars. The usage of Bio-diesel is increasing slowly.

Ethanol: Ethanol is made from sugar cane, barley, corn and other natural products. It is an alternative to petrol.

Compressed natural gas (CNG): Compressed natural gas is a fossil fuel. It can substitute ethanol, gasoline and diesel. These engines can be converted to work on compressed natural gas. It is a odorless, clear and non-corrosive gas. The vehicles which are fitting with compressed natural gas produce 80% less ozone-forming emissions than petrol burning cars.

Some vehicles can work with electricity, soar, etc. Because of the cost and non renewable of traditional fossil fuels, these are developed. The another advancement in automobile is hybrid engines. Hybrid engines can work with two are more different types of fuels. Natural renewable fuels like solar and electricity can give a limited assistance. In these cases hybrid engines are very helpful.