Up-time Vs Downtime of a Website

By | September 17, 2013

Coming up with a great idea and setting up a professional business website with optimized quality content, right format and graphic designs, etc., and waiting for results might work out for a short period. However, in the long run, it doesn’t work. If you want a long term success, your site should be regularly updated and monitored. This helps you to know when your site goes up or down. You can find the root cause of the downtime to resolve the issues before it effects your end user. In this post, you will see what is website up-time and downtime and how it performance effects.

What is website’s up-time?
Website up-time refers to the period of time that your site is visible and accessible to the end user and search engine crawler. It is very important to maintain good up-time percentage. Because you may not lose those potential customers, when they are searching for your services.

Effects of website’s up-time:
24×7 available and accessible: Website’s up-time is extremely important for an organization to run the business successfully. This is because, if your website is available and accessible to the end user for 24 hours, 7 days (365 days), there is a potential chance of getting good revenue for your business.

Customer satisfaction: Customers comes to your site in search of products and services. This takes place only when your site is up-time (visible & accessible) and provided required information.

Keeps company’s reputation intact: In the online world, website represents the organization’s identity. If your website is up-time and performing without any issues, you will not loose the confidence of the customers.

Keeps search engine ranking: Search engine crawlers access you site to index your site in search results. This happen only when your site is visible and accessible to them.

What is website’s downtime?
Website downtime refers to the period of time that your site is not visible and accessible to the end user and search engine robots.

Effects of website’s downtime
Loss of revenue: Each minute of site’s downtime equates to loss of revenue.

Loss of Customers and online reputation: Customers are impatient and gets frustrated, when they face difficulty in accessing your site. And they jump into your competitor’s site. This in turn affects your company’s reputation.

Loss of search engine ranking: When your site is facing downtime for a long period of time. Even after several attempts, if search engine crawlers/spiders are unable to access your site, they may deindex your site from the search results. However, it is difficult to get back the trust or image of you business.