Architecture of Cloud Computing

By | August 21, 2013

The cloud computing architecture is a simple as client-server model architecture. It contains three major components like front end, connection and back end. In client-server model, the client computer is connected to the server with a cable or the Internet. The server might comprise a computer device or a group of computers connected within a network. In cloud computing, the server is a cloud that contains almost all computer programs. It is a huge collection of servers, applications, permanent data storage devices etc. The cloud computing architecture has components of

  • Front end
  • Connection/Network
  • Back end

Front end
Basically, the front end is the hardware devices and the application is installed in that device, which is used to access the cloud computing services. The hardware devices can be a personal computer (PC), mobile devices or even a group of devices connected together as a network. In other words, the front end is the user side. The user sends the request for service through that hardware device. The application installed in the hardware helps process the request and send it to the next component that is, “connection”.

The connection or network is the component that connects the front end and back end together. In simple words, the connection/network is the mediator between the front end and the back end. It carries the transactions to and fro. This is usually done via the Internet. (Remember cloud computing always needs constant Internet connection). This component carries the request which is processed and sent by the front end to back end. It then carries the service which is delivered by the cloud to the user.

Back end
The key component in the architecture of the cloud computing is the “cloud”, which is a back end. Back end is the actual cloud which comprises large number of computers applications/services, a massive data storage facility, infrastructure and different servers for executing the programs. “Cloud” contains almost all the computer programs practically used for various purposes. A cloud can also be the group of clouds called sub-clouds. These sub-clouds can be either private clouds or public clouds.

  • Private clouds are the those that are owned by the enterprises. Some private clouds cannot be accessed whereas a few private clouds can be accessed and use the services of it by paying the owner of that cloud.
  • In contrast, the public clouds are accessible by all users. Most of the services on it are free, while few are paid-services.